Friday, May 9, 2008

Tallest building in Iceland

This is the tallest building in the country...for now. Few days ago i presented Hállsgrimskirkja as the tallest building in the country. I was wrong. This is not. With 20 floors, this tower in Kópavogur is for now the tallest tower in Iceland. Situated just next to the biggest parking lot of Iceland. As i have said everything have to bigger Kópavogur. This is one more proof :-)

In Reykjavík, this is illegal to build a something bigger than Hállgrímskirkja (74,5m). In Kópavogur there is no suck law.

This building is the only real skyscraper in Iceland. There is future plan for others skyscrapers in just next to this one. There is one with 16 floors rising up as you read this post. There is plan to build a higher tower in a very soon future with 36 floors and this one will be the highest in the whole country. There is also plan in a near future to build a twin sister to the one on the picture.
As i have said....Kópavogur, the Manhattan of Iceland. Let´s hope that the same thing will not happen to these twins.

There is something about Iceland. Here in the capital area, Icelanders are able to unearth a whole building in few months.... in France or in any other place it would take years !!! But we must be in some kind of parallel time stuff here in Iceland. Impressive buildings just grow like pimples on the face of a teenager. For this towers, let s also hopes that it has also been properly build and it will resit earthquakes and volcanic eruption which happen in Iceland quite often.

To Conclude, on the pictures of today, you have, a view of the whole building, view on the south from the balcony of the building (20th floor) and a view from the north side of the building.



• Eliane • said...

I enjoyed learning about this. Here too, buildings can grow fast, like mushrooms. From my office (on the 45th floor in Midtown Manhattan) I saw the Times Warner Building (designed by Renzo Piano) grow in something like a year. Amazing.

Ella said...

C'est bien que finalement quelqu'un fait un "daily photo blog" de Reykjavík.

Et pour une islandaise c'est bien de voir la ville (et le pays) avec les yeux d'un visiteur, comme on dit.

Merci, je vas visiter to blog chaque jour.